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How to Answer Query on Lateness, Insubordination, misconduct etc.

Before the end of this article you’ll be conversant with what a query letter is and;

  • How to answer a query letter on insubordination
  • How to answer query for misconduct
  • How to answer query for absent from work
  • How to answer query letter for insubordination
  • How to answer query letter for lateness
  • How to answer query on negligence of duty
  • How to reply a query letter for poor performance
  • How to reply query letter Scandalous Conduct
  • How to reply query letter Use of Foul Language/Discourteous Behaviour
  • How to answer NYSC query letter for Missing CDS

Most Boss intimidate their subordinate or employee with a query.  Employees in different offices these days are serve with query for any slightest mistake they make even when it supposes not be. If you receive such query letter in your work place, don’t panic you’re not alone. I’ve received and reply 10 different queries in my work place within a space of 4 weeks for no just cause. In US, if an employer punished an employee without just cause, Court can order the employer to compensate the worker.

Read: Tips for writing an application letter for leave of absence

Let’s find out what a query letter is and how to answer the above queries in the work place.

What is a query?

 A query according to Cambridge dictionary is question, often expressing doubt about something or looking for an answer from someone. A query letter to an employee is NOT a disengagement letter. Query letter is given to an employee to explain a cause rather than to punish the person. Try to see it this way. Your boss in the office may decide to give you query if you exhibit act of misconduct, insubordination, negligence of duty, Absenteeism, lateness to work etc.

Whichever reason(s) you’re given query letter in your work place, it doesn’t call for an alarm. All you need is to coordinate yourself very well, don’t be scare, follow the format/steps below to answer the query.

Format to answer/reply query letter in work place

Write down your address & your employer’s address (the usually format of writing address in an application letter)

You can use your Departmental, Sectional, Unit address etc. Example;

Histology Unit,

Department of Anatomy,

Faculty of Basic Medical Science,

University of Nigeria,

Enugu Campus.


Example of your boss address;

The Head,

Department of Anatomy,

Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,


Indicate the topic of the matter you want to address in the paper

Example; RE: Query on Lateness to Work, Dated 29th May, 2019

Start the body of the query by acknowledging your misconduct

if there are enough prove to show that you exhibited an act of misconduct.

 The misconduct could be lateness to work, poor performance, negligence of duty, absenteeism or inability to get work done, insubordination, gross misconduct or disrespectful, use of foul language or discourteous behavior, missing CDs, etc.

READ: How to write Letter of Financial Assistance (with Sample)

State clearly what transpired

There will be no offense without a cause. You have to explain clearly what has happened, how it happened, when and where it happened. Don’t be scare to explain because there is already a cause. Be objective and diplomatic in your choice of words. The bottom-line is that you’ll have to reply the query letter in a way it will not trigger more queries and consequently affect your promotions and job career.

Example, if you’re late to work, you have to state good reason(s) for being late to work. If you’re absent from work, state tangible reason(s) for your absenteeism.

Conclusion part of the query

To conclude; say sorry, seek for pardon or forgiveness and reinstate that your action(s) will not repeat itself if there is a good evidence to show that you’re wrong. If there is no evidence to show that you’ve exhibit an act of misconduct, conclude by stating that you will continue to carry out your duties with all diligent and sincerity.

Read: How to write NYSC query letter


 This is the second query you are receiving for not being available at your duty post, despite oral and written warnings.

A circular was also given to you to remind you to always sign the movement register while leaving your duty post.

On 26th of March, 2019 you were not at your duty post from 8:45am to about 10am when this query was given without due permission or signing the movement register.

You’re requested to explain within 24 hours why you have constantly exhibited act of insubordination to the Head of the department

Dr. L.L ……………….
Head of Department

Cc: Provost, college of medicine
    Deans, FBMS
    Associate Dean, FBMS



               Department of Anatomy,
               Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,
               University of Nigeria,
               Enugu Campus.
               27th March, 2019.

The Head,
Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,


I write in response to your query, dated 26th March 2019, ref number…...

 My humbly submission is as follows;

With all due respect sir, I have never received/respond to any query before concerning not being available at my duty post. I have always been at my duty post during working hours carrying out my job diligently.

On 24th May 2019, I came to work as early as 7:40am and I signed the attendance register at the secretary’s office. At exactly 8:48am, I went to buy food(breakfast) to eat; this is just within the campus (student centre) and I informed my colleague, Mr. XXXXX . When I returned at 9:12am; I was told that Dr. YYYYY, asked of me and Mr. XXXXX to him that I went to buy food to eat.

Sir, this is all that transpired.  I promise that I’ll not in any way exhibit act of insubordination.  I’ll continue to carry out my duty diligently and in sincerity.

Thank you.

Eze James.

cc: Provost, College of Medicine
    Dean, FBMS
    Associate Dean FBMS
    Personnel Service, College of Medicine


It has been noted by the Head of Department that you neither sign attendance register nor come to work early. On 15th May 2019, as at 9 am, you haven’t come to work, and the students are outside waiting for you to attend to them

You should explain before 48 hours why you should not face a disciplinary panel.

Dr. L.L ……………….

Head of Department
Cc: Provost, college of medicine
    Deans, FBMS
    Associate Dean, FBMS


               Department of Anatomy,
               Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,
               University of Nigeria,
               Enugu Campus.
               15th May, 2019.

The Head,
Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,


I write in response to your query on Lateness to work/negligence to duty, dated 15th May, 2019, ref number…...

My humble submission is as follow;

 I have always carried out my duty diligently and with all sincerity. If you received any report against me concerning negligence of duty, I can vehemently tell you that it is just a cooked-up story and the person(s) giving such report about me is just trying to paint a black picture of me.

Sir, on the lateness to work; it was in the morning of 15th May, 2019 that I discovered that a new attendance register was open for non-academic staff at secretary’s office. I have never heard any prior information to this new development not only on that 15th May, 2019. When I discovered this (informed by one of the staffs), it was 9:15am. I have to quickly rushed and signed at exactly 9:16am.

My time of arrival at work is usually between 8:00am – 8:30am (which is within the official time for senior staff arrival to work) unless my car develop fault on my way coming to work. In such situation, I usually keep my colleagues informed.

Sir, I promise that I’ll continue to carried out my duty diligently and in sincerity.


Oyoo  yoo.

cc: Provost, College of Medicine
    Dean, FBMS
    Associate Dean FBMS



A petition was written against you by my examination officer/Associate Dean of Basic Medical Sciences. You are required to explain within 48 hours why you should not face a disciplinary panel for gross misconduct.

Attached is the copy of the petition

Dr. H.H…………...

Head of Department

Cc: Dean FBMS


               Department of Anatomy,
               Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,
               University of Nigeria,
               Enugu Campus.
               18th May, 2019.

The Head,
Department of Anatomy,
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences,



I write in response to your query on Scandalous Conduct; use of Foul Language/Discourteous Behaviour, dated 18th May 2019. My heart bleeds as I response to this query. I have always respected authority of University of Nigeria, staffs and colleagues of mine at our department, Anatomy.

On the 14th March 2019, at exactly 4:30pm; I went to the secretary’s office to inform my colleagues that I’m going home as they normally follow me on my car to the school gate (staffs who were still present as of that time will bear me witness). While I was still informing my colleagues that I’m going home, the Examination officer/Associate Dean interjected. He shouted at me and said, “Eze, come and go let me see”. He showed me the key to departmental gate and told me that he has locked it. I was shocked. I taught it was a joke. I went to the gate to confirm and it was true. I couldn’t understand the bone of contention. I quietly approached him and told him that it was already 4:30pm and I’m done with my work. While I was trying to figure out the problem; he shouted at me again and said, “I think something is wrong with your head, Eze”. I told him sir, maybe something is wrong with my head as I can’t figure out the problem. As I left the secretary’s office, he told my colleagues that he is waiting for me; any day I come to work late; he will not fail to give me a query.

Sir, this is all that transpired. I have never in anyway used foul language or behave discourteous on Examination officer/Associated Dean and I will never in anyway do that. However, if what I have said above are seen as scandalous conduct; use of foul language or discourteous behaviour, I plead your indulgence and forgiveness. Pardon me. I’m very sorry.

I pray thee sir, to make enquiries to confirm all I have written.


Eze James.


You can easily draft your own query letter by following the sample query letter format above and edit it as appropriate. I have written the above answers to query to help you draft your own reply to query

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