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17 Proven Ways to Raise Capital for Business in Nigeria

A Nigerian Entrepreneur meeting with investors to secure funding for a business venture

Raising capital is a critical step for any entrepreneur looking to start or grow a business in Nigeria. Whether you’re launching a new venture or expanding an existing one, understanding the various ways to raise capital for business in Nigeria is essential. The challenge, however, lies in navigating the complex financial sector. Many Nigerian entrepreneurs struggle with securing adequate funding due to limited access to traditional financing options and a lack of information on alternative sources.

However, there are numerous ways to raise capital, from personal savings to government grants, each with its unique benefits and challenges. In this guide, you’ll learn proven ways to raise capital for business in Nigeria. If you’re just getting started, you might also want to check out our guide on how to start a business in Nigeria to lay a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey.A business team in Nigeria reviewing financial plans to raise capital for a startup

Importance of Capital for Business in Nigeria

Starting or expanding a business in Nigeria requires adequate capital, which can be challenging to secure. Capital is crucial as it covers startup costs, operational expenses, and growth opportunities. In fact, no business can survive the first year without adequate capital or financial backup. So, it is important you have enough funding before venturing into a new business in Nigeria

17 Proven Ways to Raise Capital for Business in Nigeria

Here are ways to raise capital for a business in Nigeria:

  1. Personal Savings

How to Utilize Personal Savings to Fund Your Business

One of the most straightforward ways to raise capital for business in Nigeria is through personal savings. Personal savings allow you to maintain complete control over your business without the pressure of repayment or interest rates. However, building up enough savings requires discipline and careful financial planning. As an entrepreneur, you can set aside a portion of your income regularly, cutting down on non-essential expenses to accumulate the necessary funds. Create a saving plan with clear financial goals and a timeline for achieving them. This approach not only provides a solid financial foundation but also instills a habit of financial prudence, which is crucial for managing business finances effectively.

If you’re a student or young entrepreneur looking to build your savings, consider exploring Online Jobs for Students in Nigeria. These jobs can provide a steady income stream, allowing you to save up and eventually invest in your business. If you need a way to save, you can use a piggy bank App for your personal savings. With this app, you can commit to saving as little as ₦100 a day into your Piggybank account and also earn accrue interest annually.

In your personal saving style, you apply the 50/50 technique. With this technique, you will not spend more than you can save. For example, if you increase your saving by N40,000, you know that you’ve earned the right to raise your lifestyle by that same amount (N40,000). By so doing, you will be able to raise capital for your business within a short time.

2. Family and Friends

Securing Funding from Family and Friends: Tips and Considerations

Understanding how to raise business capital from family and friends in Nigeria can be a game-changer for many entrepreneurs. This method is often one of the first options considered, given the trust and close relationships involved. When approaching family and friends for financial support, it’s essential to be transparent about your business plan and the risks involved. Clearly outline the terms of the investment or loan, including whether it will be repaid with interest or if they will hold a stake in the business. While this can be a great way to get your business off the ground, it’s important to manage expectations to avoid any potential strain on personal relationships.

For those looking to supplement their income while gathering support from family and friends, freelancing can be a great option. You can explore the best freelancing platform for Nigeria to find work opportunities that can help you save more money, reducing the amount you might need to borrow from your family and friends.

3. Angel Investors

Finding and Attracting Angel Investors in Nigeria

Attracting angel investors is a powerful way to secure funding for your business. Angel investors are typically high-net-worth individuals who provide capital in exchange for equity or convertible debt. To attract an angel investor, your business idea must be innovative and show significant growth potential. Networking with established groups such as the Lagos Angel Network can significantly increase your chances of finding the right investors who are interested in supporting startups and innovative businesses in Nigeria.  You can also join entrepreneurial communities and utilize online platforms to connect with potential investors. A well-prepared pitch that clearly outlines your business model, market potential, and exit strategy is crucial in convincing an angel investor to come on board.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to supplement your business income, exploring affiliate marketing strategies for Nigerians can be a valuable approach. It will not only help you in building additional revenue streams but also showcase your ability to generate income through innovative methods, making your business more attractive to potential angel investors.

4. Venture Capitalists

How to Raise Capital from Venture Capitalists

Securing funds from venture capitalists (VCs) is another powerful way to raise capital for business in Nigeria. Venture capitalists are firms or individuals who invest in startups with high growth potential in exchange for equity. This form of funding is particularly suited for businesses in tech, healthcare, or other innovative sectors. To attract venture capital, your business must demonstrate scalability, a strong management team, and a clear path to profitability. Research local VC firms, such as Ventures Platform and Greenhouse Capital, and tailor your pitch to their investment focus. Although this type of funding can significantly accelerate your business growth, it often comes with the trade-off of giving up some level of control.

5. Bank Loans

Obtaining Business Loan from Banks in Nigeria

Obtaining a bank loan is a common method for raising capital in Nigeria, but it requires careful preparation. Understanding how to get a business loan from banks in Nigeria is crucial for entrepreneurs who prefer more traditional funding methods. Bank loans offer a structured way to finance your business, with set interest rates and repayment schedules. To secure a loan, you’ll need a solid business plan, proof of income, collateral, and sometimes a guarantor. It’s important to compare different banks to find the best loan terms, including interest rates and repayment periods.

Most commercial banks in Nigeria offer competitive interest rate of 3% – 5%. Nigerian banks, such as GTBank and Access Bank, also offer various loan products tailored to small businesses, with the Bank of Industry Nigeria being one of the most prominent institutions providing financial support to entrepreneur. While bank loans provide substantial capital, they also come with the responsibility of timely repayments, which can be challenging if your business faces cash flow issues.

Obtaining business loan from Bank of Industry will require you follow these 4 steps:

  1. Write a formal application letter to the management
  2. Complete of BOI’s Questionnaire
  3. download application forms and questionnaire
  4. Submit Forms and Questionnaire.

If you’ve met the bank of Industry requirement you can visit their website at to download the appraisal form and complete their questionnaire for your business funds

6. Government Grants and Loans

Accessing Government Grants and Loans for Your Business

Accessing government grants and loans for Nigerian businesses is a strategic move, especially for startups and SMEs. The Nigerian government, through agencies like the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), offers various programs to support entrepreneurs. These grants and loans often come with favorable terms, such as low-interest rates or extended repayment periods. Programs like the Youth Entrepreneurship Support (YES) and the N-Power program are designed to empower young entrepreneurs with the capital needed to start or expand their businesses. However, securing these funds requires a thorough understanding of the application process, which often involves detailed business plans, financial statements, and sometimes a competitive pitch.

For a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities available, you can visit the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, which provides detailed information on government incentives, grants, and support for businesses in Nigeria.

7. Grants from Philanthropists/NGOs

Accessing Grants from Philanthropists and NGOs for Your Business

Apart from Government grants, another good source of capital for a business in Nigeria comes grants of non-governmental organizations and philanthropists. These grants are non-repayable money or products disbursed by organization to trust a recipient, often (but not always) a nonprofit entity, educational institution, business or an individual.

For you to receive a grant, some form of “Grant Writing” often referred to as either a proposal or an application may be required. The kind of grant I recommends is grant from non- profit organization or philanthropic organization.

You can outsource for grants to get your business started but remember, most organization that gives out grants look for right thinking and innovative people and organizations. There are also some set benchmarks to measure success and monitor your progress in the business.

8. Microfinance Banks

Using Microfinance Bank to Raise Capital

For many small businesses in Nigeria, microfinance banks are a critical source of funding. These institutions are designed to provide financial services to entrepreneurs who may not qualify for traditional bank loans due to lack of collateral or a formal credit history. When you fund your business through microfinance banks in Nigeria, you gain access to smaller loan amounts with flexible terms, often tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Microfinance banks operate by offering loans, savings accounts, and other financial products to underserved markets. They play a vital role in boosting financial inclusion, especially in rural areas where access to conventional banking services is limited. However, while microfinance loans can be a lifeline for small businesses, they typically come with higher interest rates compared to traditional banks, reflecting the higher risk associated with lending to individuals without formal credit histories.

The pros of using microfinance banks include easier access to capital, less stringent application processes, and the ability to secure loans without substantial collateral. On the downside, the higher interest rates can increase the cost of borrowing, and some entrepreneurs may find the loan amounts too small to meet their needs.

9. Crowdfunding

Leveraging Crowdfunding Platforms to Secure Funds

Crowdfunding is an innovative way to raise capital for business in Nigeria using online platforms like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and even local platforms like NaijaFund. The concept is simple: entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to the public, who can then choose to support the project financially. In return, backers may receive rewards, equity, or simply the satisfaction of supporting a promising venture.

To succeed in crowdfunding, Nigerian entrepreneurs must create a compelling campaign that clearly communicates the business idea, its potential impact, and how the funds will be used. High-quality visuals, a strong narrative, and a well-defined target audience are key to attracting supporters. Crowdfunding not only provides capital but also serves as a marketing tool, helping businesses gain early visibility and build a community of loyal customers.

However, crowdfunding comes with its challenges. It requires significant effort to promote the campaign and reach the funding goal. Additionally, there’s no guarantee of success, and platforms often charge fees for hosting the campaign.

10. Cooperatives

Business Funding Through Cooperatives

Business funding through cooperatives in Nigeria is another viable option for entrepreneurs to raise capital. Cooperatives are member-owned organizations that pool resources to provide financial support, products, or services to their members. In Nigeria, cooperatives are particularly popular among small-scale traders, farmers, and artisans.

Cooperatives work by collecting regular contributions from members, which are then used to provide loans or other financial services to members in need. This collective approach reduces the risk for individual members and ensures that everyone has access to affordable credit. The main advantage of cooperatives is their low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms, which are often more favorable than those offered by banks or microfinance institutions.

On the flip side, cooperatives may have limited funds available, and the approval process can be slow due to the need for consensus among members. Additionally, the amount of capital available is directly tied to the size and financial strength of the cooperative.

11. Trade Credit

Managing Your Business Finances with Trade Credits

Trade credit is an often-overlooked method to fund business in Nigeria using credit extended by suppliers. Essentially, suppliers allow businesses to purchase goods or services on credit, with payment deferred for a specified period, usually 30 to 90 days. This arrangement can be incredibly beneficial for managing cash flow, as it allows businesses to sell products and generate revenue before having to pay their suppliers.

Trade credit is particularly useful for businesses in retail, manufacturing, and wholesale, where large inventories need to be maintained. The main advantage of trade credit is that it provides immediate access to goods without upfront payment, helping businesses operate smoothly even when cash is tight. However, it requires a strong relationship with suppliers and a good credit history to secure favorable terms. If you’re looking to maximize the benefits of trade credit, resources like the SME Toolkit Nigeria offer valuable guidance and tools to help small and medium sized enterprises manage their finances and make informed decisions about using trade credit effectively.

The downside of Trade credit is that failure to pay on time can damage supplier relationships and result in penalties or loss of credit terms. It’s also important to carefully manage trade credit to avoid overextending and creating cash flow problems.

12. Equipment Leasing

Financing Your Business through Equipment Leasing

Leasing equipment can be an effective way to fund your business in Nigeria without a large upfront investment. Instead of buying equipment outright, businesses lease it for a specified period, making regular payments over time. This method is particularly advantageous for businesses that require expensive machinery, such as those in agriculture, construction, or manufacturing.

Leasing frees up capital that can be used for other business needs, such as marketing or hiring. For example, in industries like fashion, leasing specialized equipment can be crucial. Look, if you’re in the fashion industry, exploring digital fashion designing in Nigeria could open up new avenue for your business, enabling you to innovate and stay ahead of the competition while managing your resources efficiently.

Additionally, leasing agreements often include maintenance and support services, reducing the operational burden on the business. However, leasing can be more expensive in the long run compared to purchasing, and at the end of the lease, the business does not own the equipment.

13. Retained Earnings

Retained Earnings to Fund Business Expansion

Retained earnings refer to the portion of a business’s profits that are reinvested into the company rather than distributed to shareholders. Using retained earnings to raise capital for business in Nigeria is a prudent approach, as it allows businesses to fund expansion or new projects without taking on debt or diluting ownership.

Retained earnings are often used for purchasing new equipment, expanding operations, or entering new markets. The key advantage of this method is that it involves no additional cost of capital, such as interest payments or equity dilution. However, it requires the business to be profitable and to have a strong financial position to reinvest earnings effectively.

14. Partnerships

Partnerships to Secure Funding for Business

Raising capital through partnerships in Nigeria involves collaborating with one or more individuals or entities to pool resources for a common business goal. Partnerships can take various forms, such as equity partnerships, where partners contribute capital in exchange for ownership stakes, or strategic partnerships, where resources like expertise, technology, or market access are shared.

Partnerships can provide significant capital infusion and bring in complementary skills and resources that can enhance the business’s growth prospects. However, forming a partnership also means sharing control and profits, which can lead to conflicts if not managed carefully. It’s essential to have a clear partnership agreement that outlines roles, responsibilities, and profit-sharing terms.

15. Winning Business Competitions for financial support

Participating in Business Competitions for Funding

Winning business competitions for funding in Nigeria is an exciting way to secure capital without the obligation of repayment. Many organizations, including government agencies, NGOs, and private companies, organize competitions where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas for a chance to win grants, seed capital, or investment.

Popular competitions like the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, the Next Titan, and the Lagos State MSME Fair provide not only funding but also mentorship and networking opportunities. To stand out in these competitions, entrepreneurs must present a well-researched and written business plan, a clear value proposition, and a strong pitch. If you’re unsure where to start, you can learn more about how to create a business plan in Nigeria.

However, business competitions are highly competitive, and the chances of winning depend on the quality of the business idea and presentation. It also requires time and effort to prepare and participate in these events.

16. Sponsorship

Getting financial sponsorship of your business

The last but the last on the list of ways to raise capital for business in Nigeria is through sponsorship. Getting sponsorship from interested individual, organizations or companies who finances your business project in exchange to promote the organization or individual business is another means to raise capital for a business.

No organization, company or individual will agree to sponsor or invest in project without seeing how she will benefit from the project. So, before you begin approaching any organization or individual for sponsorship you must make sure that you have included the interest of the organization or individual sponsor in your business plan. If you’re looking to get sponsorship for your business startup or raising capital for business through sponsorship, exploring how to get sponsorship in Nigeria for anything can help you get your new business sponsored.


In conclusion, there are numerous ways to raise capital for business in Nigeria, each with its own set of advantages and challenges. Whether you choose to fund your business through microfinance banks, crowdfunding, cooperatives, or any of the other methods discussed, it’s crucial to carefully evaluate your options and choose the funding source that best aligns with your business goals and financial situation. It’s important you choose the Best Capital Raising Strategies for Your Business. Diversifying your funding sources can also provide a safety net and increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How much capital is needed to start a business in Nigeria?

A: The amount of capital required to start a business in Nigeria varies widely depending on the type and scale of the business. For small-scale enterprises, initial capital might range from a few hundred thousand to several million naira. It’s essential to create a detailed business plan to estimate the necessary startup costs, including equipment, inventory, marketing, and operational expenses.

Q2: What are the best sources for raising capital for different types of businesses in Nigeria?

A: The best sources of capital depend on the nature of your business. For tech startups, venture capitalists and angel investors are often ideal. Small businesses and startups might consider microfinance banks, family and friends, or crowdfunding. For agricultural ventures, government grants and loans can be particularly beneficial. Evaluate each option based on your business needs, risk tolerance, and growth potential.

Q3: How can I manage the funds I’ve raised effectively?

A: Managing raised funds effectively involves careful budgeting, tracking expenses, and monitoring financial performance. Implement a robust accounting system to keep track of all financial transactions and ensure timely repayment of loans if applicable. Regularly review your financial plan to make adjustments as needed and avoid overspending. Consulting with a financial advisor can also help optimize fund management and ensure your business remains financially healthy.

Have you explored the various ways to raise capital for your business in Nigeria? We’d love to hear about your experiences or answer any questions you might have. Share your thoughts in the comments box below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more tips and insights on business funding in Nigeria. Your journey to securing the right capital starts here—let’s make it a successful one together!

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