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Make duckduckgo your search engine & homepage

duckduckgo search engine homepage

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that claimed not to tracks you and, has more instant answers and less spam/clutter. Duckduckgo believe that better search and real privacy are not mutually exclusive while avoiding the “filter bubble” of personalized search results. Their search result pages are up to 24 SERPs and they provide options to help searchers to clarify what questions they are asking for.

DuckDuckgo resembles Google in some way though it has some subtleties that make this emerging search engine different.  Duckduckgo could pose a threat to the big G, Google in near future.

If you want to give duckduckgo search engine a trial, then follow the below steps to it your search engine and homepage;

How to make duckduckgo my search engine

I will use both internet explorer and Mozilla firefox on window 7 for my explanation.

  1. On your PC desktop, click on Mozilla firefox icon        . Your search engine and homepage will be shown.

Please, make sure your connected the internet.

  1. To change this formal search engine to duckduckgo search engine, head to your tool bar on your browser top,
  2.  click on tools. A drop menu will show up.

3.  On the drop-down menu, click on options. This pop-window will be display


Step 4.     Type in on the space for home page as shown in the picture above. As you can see, is on the space because I want to make yahoo my search engine and homepage.

Step 5. Click ok, to save changes.

Step 6. Click on the Mozilla icon now, your new search engine will be displayed. Aha! You can begin to browse with duckduckgo search engine.  Or go to your menu bar and click on file then new window. You new duckduckgo search engine homepage will be displayed. The process can be done for all search engines if you want to make any of them your search engine.

NOTE: The same steps are applicable to internet explorer, but on step 3 you click on internet options rather than on options and then proceeds as on step 4, 5 and 6 above.

update; Duckduckgo stream its search results and give more than 15 index search engine result page (SERPs)

More applications like change of appearance, cloud save etc are added to duckduckgo homepage to make Duckduckgo online user -friendly.

To change the appearance of your Duckduckgo homepage, simply go the  setting, then click on appearance and you are there to make your choice.

Duckduckgo, online user-best search engine! Spread Duckduckgo


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