Discover ⇒ How to Recover Number from MTN Lost SIM. How to Restore your MTN Contacts/Numbers from lost SIM or Stolen phone.
Are you an MTN Subscribers whose phone or SIM card got missed or stolen and you are now looking for a way to restore your backup contacts or do SIM backup recovery; I will walk you through a simple way you can do this. It is pretty simply compare to the first time you do backup of your contacts.

I presumed that you have done backup of your contacts before now using MTN backup services on your phone. If you have done this, those phone contacts are stored in an MTN secured internet data server. That is to say that you can easily retrieve those contacts from their internet data server any time you want them since you are their customer.
Reasons Why You Needed To Retrieve Your MTN Backup Contacts
• Your phone is stolen
• Your SIM got spoilt
• Your contacts are mistakenly deleted by you or someone
• Your phone got spoilt
Things you should know before you can retrieve your contacts/Numbers
• Buy an MTN backup 128K SIM card as new welcome pack SIM card, any MTN SIM Card below 128K will not work.
• Make sure you have up to N50 airtime on your new MTN line.
• You new phone should fall among these phones;
• Alcatel
• Arima
• LG
• Motorola
• Nokia
• Panasonic
• Sagem • Sanyo
• Samsung
• BenQ-Siemens
• Simbit
• Sony Ericsson
• Vertu
How to retrieve your Backup contacts/numbers using MTN Backup Service
Now, follow these steps to retrieve your MTN Mobile Phone contacts;
• Log into your MTN backup online account at: using your login details (your mobile number e.g. 2348012345678) and your password that was provided during your initial contacts backup.
• Go to devices to view where you did your recent backup or synchronization (sync)
• Ensure you select a phone-type that matches with the current phone you are using.
• Click on sync now; you will receive an OTA message that says “server wants to do a synchronization with you”
• Click on continue and it says
“Operation in progress” Wait for the operation to complete.
After completion, your new phone will be update with your contacts, events, tasks and notes that you have saved before on your old phone; you will see “Operation successful. Thank you” Click on OK
MTN backup service will send you a text message
Y’hello! Your SIM backup was successful. Now your contacts are safe on the MTN network. Thank you for choosing MTN N. N50 will be deduct from account automatically while MTN resend the sync data to your phone using OTA; with this you will be able to get back all of your backup data back to your phone.
You can retrieve up 200 contacts from your SIM backup and 5000 contacts from your phone backup.
Now, If you have not backup your MTN contacts before; here are the steps to backup your MTN contacts, tasks, events, calendar, and notes using MTN Backup Service
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If you have problem retrieving your MTN backup contacts let me know. Drop your challenge on the comment box below. Ok, I will help you out provided you will tell your friend about this site.
I lost my phone last months. I want to backup my SIM contact
I did back up.before my phone was stolen as l retrieve the line l did not see all the contacts again how would l get the contact again this is my number
i need number back
I misstakly deleted my number
My phone was stolen on the 8th of this month, and I’m trying to get my contacts back though mtn backup,but I couldn’t, please help me…08108292347
Thanks for the good work, may God bless you too.
Please, how can I move my contact from One sim card to another? Thanks
I need my number back
I need my numbers
I mistaken deleted my Sim numbers
If you’ve earlier back it up then you can recover it.
I mistakenly deleted some of my contacts
how can i get mtn security number pls aand what can in use it for
Good day, please l forget my password to my backup. How do I go about it. thank you
See how to backup your contacts. If you have challenge with the procedure, please do let us know.
Please I need MyMTN backups numbers
Please, I want to restore all my MTN Back Up Contacts to my new phone.
I did my backup up a day before my phone got lost with this no 07037545624 because my phone was down,the no is 08138661493. but while somebody was talking about the backup i ask her to do it for me with the no above as my battery ran down. mtn ask me to send START TO 307 which was done and they sent a mesg to the phone ,yello ; your subscription was successful and N100 deducted . your service will be renewed on 02/19/2018 N50/2wks. to CANCEL text STOP to 307. but on the next day as i want to pick up my phone where i dropped it to be charged i was told that armed robbers came last night and made away with so many things including my phone, then the next day i recovered my line but no contact in it . Sir,that is why i am here for help.
What is the size of your present sim?
pls my sim got spoilt sometime ago ,and went in for replacement but couldn’t got all my contact can you pls help me retrieve it
Please I subscribed to mtn backup before I lost my phone and did welcome back but couldn’t get back any of my contacts.
I chatted mtn customer service and they asked me to text RESTORE to 7013 which I did severally but didn’t get any response.
Please sir help me out it’s very important.
Hello, I lost my phone sometime ago and I have never backed up my MTN sim card before. Is it possible to get my contacts back even if I have never synced them before with MTN back up
Same thing with me ooo
My phone was stolen I need to retrieve my contacts pls
I tray to back up my mtn contact is not able what are the problem?
Describe how you tried backing up or where you got stuck?
my comment is cn i retriv a contact on my nokia phn nt my sim card.
You can copy your contacts from Sim to your nokia phone.
They is stole my phone and I need all my contacts back I did welcome back today and my only MTN line for the past ten years.
pls I am Akudo m eze I need to get my Mtn back up I retrieve my sim it get damage on 10th of may which I did will come back on 19th my is 77630402
Please, I don’t understand you very well.
i want to retrieve my line
so how can i do it online?
Did you do back up?
Pls am looking 4my lost contact since 2mounth ago i din’t see
Which network is that?
pls can I retrieve a vtu simcard which has money in it that got lost
You can retrieve the contacts if you backup but not with the money
Please my cell phone and sim card was stollen day before yesterday and I have welcomed back my number. Now I want all my contacts to be backed up. Please you people should help me out.
Do you want to back up your contacts or you want to recover them?
I want to recover them to my sim card and this is my number- 08132987845
Did you back up before losing you SIM?
Yes. I am mtn backup subscriber and my last backup deducation date was on 14th february 2017.
Can l get my contact back
I lose my contact on y simcard and av forgoting both password and email
how do i get it back….. MTN
I tried but can not retrieve my phone contacts since last year
It seems you didn’t backup your contact in the first place
And also have a backup subscription earl before now
I did a welcome back but am yet to get my contacts and massages yyyyy?
Go ahead and retrieve them if you have earlier backup
I lost my mtn contacts
Hello olanza bosco,
You can actually retrieve those contacts if you had earlier backup those contacts
Wat of if u av d password for d backup but d simcard is stolen….can I still do d backup
Buy 128K SIM card, do a welcom back and retrieve your backup contacts. No need doing another backup.
pls i need my numbers…. i did mtn backup . 08065618612
Have you tried retrieving the backup contact and you couldn’t?
How will get my contacts back
Follow the steps describe on the article above, where you are confuse let us know.
Please kindly help me to retrieve my Mtn contact. I have been to the site but unable to achieve anything. My number is 08036825487. Thanks
Did you previously backup your contacts, Seun. if you do then contact me
Am finding it difficult to retrieve my contacts , please I want you to help me
Hello Bernard,
did you previously do backup of your contacts?
Hello kindly help out in retrieving my contacts back ,the truth is I am not used to all this Android of a phone but better of in bb. Moreso this phone is not in the list of phones mentioned ,am using techno c7 . Please kindly be of help thanks
Did you backup?
PlZz o ai don’t kw aw 2 login cox I dint sign up 4 any backup it jxt activated t self n strted deducting money so aw do I n were sud I log on 2? Tnks ASAP
Hello Phemzy,
You can only login if you have previously sign-up for backup. If your money is being deducted while have you have not requested for backup; visit any MTN outlet close to you for deactivation.
I want to recover my MTN backup line
08038954272My phone is Nokia 2.1
my phone is itel
your phone number seems not be MTN number
plse my phone has no internet but i want my contacts back urgently, so plse help me get my backup contaccts back on my sim no 0241825360
This SIM card NUMBER is not an MTN number
i lost my phone and i want to retrieve my contacts that i backup but i can’t restore them since two months ago.
Pls I need my contacts back, it was deleted mistakenly by the person who flashed my phone for me. Pls it is very urgent I don’t have any number .
Hello Jennifer,
did you backup your contacts earlier before your phone was flashed. If you do then we can help you retrieve them.
Hello my fone is not using Internet but I try to use my friend fone which is using Internet but I have not receive any OTA massage since then
Are you also using your friend’s SIM card? Make sure you are using your Own SIM card.
I saw my contact dat I backup but I don’t know how to restored dem in my wcome back mtn sim and is 128k. dis is d message d send to me
You are currently not allowed to sync or recover your content as you have already benefited from a microcredit last time. MTN will try to charge your transaction soon.
pls help me
Change the phone and try it again.
pls i tried recovering my contacts but it keep telling me Your mobile does not allow MTN Backup to launch sync automatically.
Please launch MTN Backup on your mobile and start sync.
there are two things that are likely the problem;
1. it is either you have not backup before or
2. you are using low-end mobile device
Help me get back my contacts on 0776683588
Is this MTN Number?
Some one help me need to retrieve my contacts 0779010523
Emma Onwuka please help me its urgent
0779010523/+256779010523 mtn Uganda
Thx alot
our service is on MTN Nigeria
Quote the message you sent to me, please.
Backing up my contact via MTN BACKUP was easy but restoring my contact back now is a problem……You guys should find a way and give me my contact Back…..
You didn’t do backup properly.
my phone was stolen and i go to MTN office den they give me a sim with my old number and all my contacts did not appear, i have already backup my sim before it was stolen. so please help me.
What number is written at back of the SIM they gave you. If it is 128k then I will help you but if it is not, go back to them and tell them to help you retrieve backup contacts
my contacts are mistakenly deleted
What do you want?
retrieve my backup contacts
You can do that yourself
I need to get my contacts back,i lost my phone but now i have replaced the sim card.256787473456
Hello Deborah,
Which Network (256787473456) is this? Our system can not read it
Its mtn Uganda
My phone was stolen with de sim and want my numbers back since i did backup
Buy 128K SIM, do welcom pak and retrieve your backup contacts
I retrieved my MTN line 08037751388, despite d fact I visited MTN office in respect of my contact back up uptill now I have not received d back up. I am using Nokia 225.
Hello Fareo,
if you’re sure you back up before having problem with your SIM Card; can you explain the extend you’ve gone with them at MTN office (what did they tell when you visited MTN office) so that I will know where to come in.
pls help retrieve my back up contacts pls its very urgent. my numb;07033576380 tnx expecting results as soon as possible
Which result are you expecting as soon as possible?
Pls help me retrieve my contacts back
If backup your contacts before losing your phone or SIM, I will help you retrieve them. let me know if you had earlier backup.
I have on several occasions received SMS from MTN notifying me that my contacts have been save on their databank without me initiating it. Now I have lost all my contacts, can I retrieve them from MTN’s databank? If yes, how can I do this? Thank and hope to read your reply.
Hello Ebenezer,
You can not retrieve your lost contacts from MTN Backup, if you had not earlier back them up
The number I want to retrieve is 08101316904
I don’t understand,bibilaridesmond. I think what you need to do is SIM welcome back pack.
Hello please I want to retrieve my sim
Thanks! Want to ask again, will my contacts be backed up to the phone memory or SIM if i get a phone with browser?
I backed up my contact and can even view them on my profile on mtn backup but having a challenge in retrieving it. I am using Nokia 103. Will i need a browser phone to be able to retrieve my my contacts? ur urgent response will be highly appreciated
Yes, if you are sure that your new Sim is 128K SIM then you need to use a different phone to access the MTN Backup login page
kk! thank u, but i wan to ask again, will my contacts back up to the phone memory or SIM if i get a browser phone?
Please, a brother duly backed his contacts up. He is using mtn. But even with my little help, retrieving it failed. Please, can you be of any help? I’ll really appreciate. Thanks
Hello Prince,
check your email and respond.
I have try all night and followed all instructions on how to retrieve my sim backup it all failed, pls help I need my contact back.
Which network are you using and did you backup your contacts before you lose your phone?
Let me know so that I will know where to help you.
Pls help me recover my backup contacts cos I am unable to do that
At what point did you get suck? Get in touch with me at
Good day Mr. Emeka,
does it mean dat if I didnt backup my contacts dat I saved in my SIM before I misplaced my SIM, I won’t be able to recover them?
Pls, i want to recover my contacts. An sms was sent through 307 telling me to login using my phone number in the form of 234xxxxxx and also sent some letters as my password but when i tried to log in, it was tellinge that the user has been blocked or that the username / password is incorrect.
Do i have to do the online activity using the line that i want to recover my contacts on. That is the newly recovered sim?
Yes, log on to using the MTN 128K line that you want to recover you contacts on. After logging, hove over to recover contact and click on the recover contact button.
Please i need my contact back
We can help you recover them
I want my contact back
Which of your contact; MTN, GLO, AIRTEL OR ETISALAT? And what happen to it?
pls i Cant access the backup site
Benjamin, Have you done backup before?
yah cos wen i lost ma fone nd did a welcom bak i saw all ma contacts then(as soon as i opened ma whatssap) bt since d present fone got spoilt i havnt been able to retrieve them (d welcom bak sim is 128)
pls i need contact back dey important
Does that means iPhone could not be use for backup
Tolu, who say so?
How gt back to my missing contact nw?
Dekeys, did you do backup?
Please i would like you to recover my contact numbers because my was stolen
Paul, this will be possible if you are sure you backup your contacts before your phone was stolen. So, did you backup your contact?
Pls I need you to help recover my contacts I lost my phone and I he backup. Pls help me. 08167506121. Thank u for helping out.
Hello Yakubu, for more strictly direction on backup recovery.Check your email
I uv lost my phone n trying to retrieve my back up contacts but is nt going TRUE so I wnt u to send it through my email account
What are your backup contact details (phone number, email address and password)?
Am having problem with my contacts after changing a phone but I did backup before
Stephen, do you want to restore your backup contacts? or you phone contacts are not showing with your new phone?
please i want to backup ma contacts this is the number:0248034859
I have a new sim card, how do i know its 128k
turn the back of the SIM card; it is written there. If you turn the back of the SIM card and 128K is not written there or any other number written, just know that the SIM card is likely to be 64K or 32K and it will not work. So, what you need to do is to go back to where you purchase the SIM card and tell them that you need 128K SIM card or SIM card for SIM SWAP.
how can i get all my contacts back, i lost my phone without backup ?
Dayo, you can’t get you contacts back if you do not backup
my phone got spoiled
Hello Desmond,
Did you SIM card spoil alongside with your phone? Explain so that I will know what to do for you
I can’t restore my contact from the mtn saver, but I v backup to 3 times, each time I try I will not be receiving any respons.
Hello Enoobong,
They can be 3 POSSIBLE reasons for this;
1. You new MTN card not up to 128k, 2.MTN Technical problem which will be restore later, 4. if the backup was not proper problem
Check the number that is written at the back of your new MTN SIM card, if it is not up to 128k. You will have problem restoring your MTN backup contact. All you need to do is SIM SWAP. Visit any MTN office close to you, tell them that you want do SIM swap. After the SIM swap, you will be able to restore your contacts.
how can i retrieved my lost no. tanks
Valentine, did you backup your SIM contacts before you lost your phone?
If you did. At what stage of the backup retrieval do you have problem?
Backup my sim
Kolo, do you want to backup your SIM Contacts?
Pls how do I get my mtn backup contacts
Amara, If this article: How to Retrieve Your MTN Backup Mobile Contact Numbers, and other comments on this page did not help you recover your MTN lost contacts then inbox me your email address for further assistance.
I want 2 retrieve my mtn number
Bouyken, did you backup your phone contacts before your phone got lost or stolen as the case may be? if you did then read this article:How to Retrieve Your MTN Backup Mobile Contact Numbers, and other comments on this page very well. if the article did not help you then inbox me your email address for further assistance.
i lost my phone to armed rubbers on the 12 jan 15 and i have being trying to retrive the backup,now im told im blocked .please help me get back my contacts and infos
Hi Emmanuel,
if you are sure you back up your contacts before you lost your mobile phone then buy an MTN SIM card of 128K size. Welcome back your old MTN line then visit your MTN backup online account to retrieve your contacts.
If you have any challenge let us know.
how can i get all my contacts now, i lost my phone without backup ?
Hello Dayo, there is no way you can get your contacts back without backup.
My is Phone contacted virus .After flashing I lost my phone contact.My question is do I need to buy Mtn 128k size.before I can do backup.
Hello Chums Ebube,
MTN 128K sim card is for retrieval of your backup contacts
Please I cannot access my back up contacts
Hi Samuel,
were you not able to log-in to your MTN backup online account? Where exactly do you have problem?
To long in to all M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ contacts please help ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ out I really need M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ numbers please!
you didn’t backup your contacts
Hi Aniah, this number (0547806636) is not MTN Line
hi am so disturb by my mtn backup . i went sim replacement and could not get my backup for soo many days now. ur highnes
will u main if get my contact now?
Hi Aniah, do you want to recover your MTN backup contacts
I want to restore my contact to my phone
what is your phone number?
I need my contact
What happened? Romeo. How may I help you?
I have HTC now and i want to access my backed ups but for got my me please
yes please. I want to retrieve my contacts
Hello Ramat,
Did you backup?
I need my contact urgently please….
I can help you retrieve your mobile phone contact if you provide;
your Network and, if you’ve have formally backup your contact.
Retrieve my contact to my sim/phone
You mean you lost phone?
please then help me on that ….. to retrieve my contacts only.
i have got my self a new Sim but i didn’t got back my contact but i backup my contact and they gave me an account but i don’t know how to get into that account.
account name: 0546066429 password: t1yz4x5j
Hello Gibson Dickline Nyarko,
What is the size of the new SIM card?
Please l want to retrieve my contacts on my sim so help me
Did you back up?
Pls I have previously backed up my contact but I lost the password given to me. Pls how do I get my contact now
Ican not get my contacts back but i did backups
Hello Justice,
What is the size of your new SIM card? Check, is it up to 128K?
tanx, Joshua
Hello please I am having problems retrieving my contacts my phone is goober P5.Thanks.
Which Network service do you use on your phone?
mtn and glo
Hello John,
please, can you quote your initial comment. I got confuse here with what you meant by “mtn and glo”.
I have apromble in recovery my number my phone got lost.
Hello Tumusiime hassan,
Which network are you using?
My phone is stolen
I need my phone contact back
Hello i having problem on retrieving my contacts
I need my contact b/c I do welcome back for my simcard and before then I do back up
What is your welcome back sim card size?
I have problems Of retrieving my contacts
hello, I can’t get my backed up contacts
Please I need my contacts urgently
I need my contacts back
I need my content back
Please my phone plus my chip all got Los and I want to get it back
What do you want to get back?
Can I recover my text messages as well.
Yes, Of-course!!!
I wat 2 retrieve my contact
Hello Chioma,
how may we help you? Did you previously back up your contacts?
Hello garba,
Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.
Yes I want to black up my sim
Hello Miss tunrayo,
Buy another SIM card of 128k capacity and do a welcome back.
I have failed to retrieve my contacts
Pls i did a backup and a password was sent me but i lost it including my contacts cos my phone got bad, so i want to retrive . 07034962744
Hello Maryam,
You need the password for the retrieval.
i downloaded a Application name MTN Phone Backup using play store when i click an option restore their was a space for someone to put his/her phone number which i did that how i loosed all my contacts with 07068319252 hope you will respond to my complaint to backup all my contact at the possible shortage time thank you
I lost my simcard last month-within December,2016.
And so?
L want to retrieve my contacts
L need mai contacts urgently
How do I retrieve my contacts, my phone is techno L9plus