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How to Rank new Website on Google fast (2022)

May be you’ve acquire a new website and you want to learn how to rank the website fast, right? You’ve just landed on the right page. We’ll work you down the lane on how to put your website on Google’s #1 search engine result page (SERP)

How to rank a new website on Google fast
Credit: Avenge


Getting a website to rank on the search engine is not always easy. This is because a lot of factors come into play when it comes to getting visibility for a new website.  Personally, I usually advice new webmasters if you want to get your website to rank even fast; the first steps is to start with a recently expired domain name instead of buying a new domain name. Doing this gives you some ranking advantage.

In most cases, the expired domain would have already been indexed by Google and other search engines with established backlinks, so you don’t have to start completely from the scratch. But, a lot of people do not go the way of buying expired domains. In fact, there are many cases where clients usually need their own new brand domain name. In such situation, there’s need for you to know how to rank high the new website on Google or other search engines, regardless of the newness of the domain name.

In my years of experience as an SEO Expert and Web Designer, I have tried different websites ranking strategies. I have adopted tsome of these strategies to rank new websites/blogs fast and they work fantastically for me. So if you’re in dare need to rank your new website or blog fast on search engine like Google then this post is for you.

Steps to Rank new Website on Google fast

Write quality Content

When it comes to getting your new website to rank fast on Google, one of the best steps to take is to write quality content. Content is at the heart of everything we do online. And quality content is king! One of the most obvious rules about getting visibility for new websites is that if you want to get your new website to rank fast, you have to write better content than your competitors. Begin from writing a post title that attracts visitors to putting down a better content.

But then, it is beyond better content. Beyond creating great content, you have to provide far more value than they are doing. Make your posts very detailed, informative and far better than what the industry is creating. Of course this can be a bit difficult. It’s harder to create a really outstanding content if you’re competing against other websites with far more established set of writers etc.

If you find yourself in this situation then you have to brace up to invest more time in your content writing. You might have to be posting less than often but whenever you post, you have to churn out something really worthwhile. For me and my team, in a situation where our competition has better content that might seem difficult to beat them, we bring in our own perspective. And by leveraging our perspectives, we add new lessons, new experiences that creates a new level of uniqueness for our posts.

You see, the internet is already filled with a ton of regurgitated stuff. A lot of people are rewriting and passing out what they read from other blogs and this is adding very little value to users in most cases. You can choose to do something about this by creating content that is more original and value loaded. When you create content, find out, what personal experience do you have that you can use to enrich the content or add a new dimension to it? Doing this will not only help you to create a better content, it will give your content a very unique voice and a different set of value for your audience.

Read: How to Create Brand Awareness in a New Market

Use Less Popular Keywords

Another step is to use less popular keyword when writing content. Keywords are very important factors when it comes to creating search engine visibility. If you indeed want your new website to rank fast then your keyword is going to play a very important role. So, you have to choose your keyword wisely. With Keyword tool like Google Keyword Planner, you can find less popular keywords. So, instead of targeting a popular keyword that’s already targeted by most authority websites in your niche, focus on targeting alternatives of those keyword that’s not too popular. This is one strategy that’s helped a lot of our clients.

So, if the original keyword you have in mind is web designer for instance. And this keyword happens to be very popular with stiff competition; you can target an alternative like small business web designer. Although the second keyword might not bring in as much traffic as the former, it will give you some decent traffic.

While you may be able to rank at number 40 with the former keyword, the latter keyword can give you a spot on the front page because it is not all that competitive.

Post Content Consistently

The next step you’ll take to rank your new website fast is to be consistency in your content update. Agreed, quality trumps quantity in the content marketing world, but; if you really want your new website to stand out, you still need a reasonable amount of content. And there must be a certain level of consistency throughout your postings. You don’t want to create posts on week 1, and then post nothing on week 2, only to come back on week 3. Such inconsistency will not help you especially as you’re working out on building a new audience.

Choose a certain number of days to make a post and stick to it. Doing this helps you in building a level of trustworthiness with your audience. With that, they can always know when to expect a new post form you. And with such knowledge you will build an ever-ready audience that’s ready to consume your content, whenever you create them.

Leverage Social Media

If you’re providing some services on your website either as a freelancer or an agency, you can leverage the social media to build social proof and gather some fans for your blog. These new fans can become your first paid clients while you build your blog and wait for even more paid clients. As a beginner, the social media can do a whole lot for you especially when your blog is yet to get a lot of traction. Also, the social media can serve as your first point of call for traffic back to your website.

Instead of leaving your posts on your blog, after you create them, you can also share these posts to your social media handles. Create some posts around it and get your friends over to read it on your site and share with their friends. The more readers and shares you have from the social media handles, the more you get a better visibility for your website.

Guest Post on other Websites

Guest posting is very important if you want your new website to rank fast on Google. The thing guest blogging does for you is that it gives your brand a better visibility, gives you a new audience and creates back links for your website. Each of these, are very important key elements that are usually considered as far as search engine ranking is concerned.

To do very well with guest posts, you don’t have to post on about any website you see out there. You need to target websites that have the kind of audience you need. Or websites that having a back link from their site will create a boost for your link profile. In some cases, majority of the high profile websites may not want to give you an opportunity to write for them as a beginner unless you’re really good with what you’re doing. But if you happen to experience such, instead of targeting the big websites you can always start with the average websites that are relevant to your niche. Also, you can target only websites that accepts guest posts.

To do this, you can run a quick search in Google with search terms like; “write for us”. Or streamline it to your particular niche like” write for us + tech or + Travel or whatever niche you want to target”. Alternatively, you can also use search terms like websites that accept guest posts. In your Google search and then filter through the search results until you get the ones you want. In any case, endeavor to understand what the website covers before sending in your pitch. I covered a post on guest posting here. You can read to have a better understanding of how it works.

Get Backlinks

Getting backlink is vital step to take to rank a new website on Google and other search engine. Back links are one of the most important factors that will help your website rank fast. In fact, it is more important than some of the step mentioned above. A single backlink from a high authoritative website can do a whole lot in improving your website ranking on the search engine. That’s why you need to get backlinks.

As a new website, you already have a little disadvantage because most webmasters prefer linking to already established websites instead of new ones. To beat around this, you need to do some background work on your part. Write great content. Naturally, only an exceptional content with a ton load of value will attract back links to beginner websites. But then, you don’t have to wait for it.

After creating your valuable content you don’t need to sit and wait for back links, go out and get them. Find out websites with broken links on topics similar to yours on other websites. Contact the owners of those websites via mail; inform them about the broken links and the alternative you offer with your own content which is similar to the one they previously linked to. And ask if they could update the link with yours.

Chances are, you may not always get a “yes”. But you might get enough “yes’es’” to land you some high quality back links. Also, engage in link building via other big web 2.0 websites like, Medium etc. Posting quality content and linking on these websites back to your own website can give you a ton load of boosts in your ranking.


This is more like a last resort for businesses that are in a hurry to get some traffic and clients back to their websites. The thing is, in some cases, building organic traffic can take some time for you to get good results. Instead of waiting to get results before you get started, you can start with advertising on Google Ad or other major websites.

Doing this keeps your website coming up with activities while you’re doing other things to build organic traffic. Like I mentioned earlier, this should only be used as a last resort and in situations where you have the budget that can afford it.

Additional tips for ranking website on Google fast

  • Ranking a new website on Google takes time. So, you need to be a little patient when trying to rank your website
  • Ensure your new website loads fast. So, check your website loading speed to be sure it loads fast
  • Create a blog for your website. This is a fast way of driving traffics to a new website. And the good thing is that our team can help you build a professional blog.
  • Join authority forums and contribute on the forums. You can also drive inorganic traffics to your website through forums. So, join and let your presence be felt.
  • Read articles and comment on a site like Our team visit and link to almost all the webmasters that contribute or leave comment on our site. So, you can partake in getting our linking juice.

In conclusion, you can actually rank a new website fast than it would naturally take but for this to happen, you need to follow the steps above. The above step has helped me and my team to provide a better visibility for websites in a short period of time and we could do same for you. So, there you have what it takes to rank your new website fast on Google.

Related article: To Rank High on Google; Go Mobile Friendly

Which of these strategies is more important to you? Let’s hear from you!


1 thought on “How to Rank new Website on Google fast (2022)”

  1. Thanks for sharing these SEO tips , I started a new business or can say initiative about Home stay and I want to promote so that traffic can be generated. Already started creating backlinks.

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