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100+ Profitable Small Business Ideas you can start today in Nigeria

Do you need small businesses you can start today on your own? Are you looking for list of different type of businesses you can do today? Are you having small money for starting a business but do not have any profitable business ideas to get started on. I have here a list of new emerging, unique, thriving, cheap, profitable and lucrative businesses you start today in Nigeria. 

This is my second edition of small businesses. Nigeria is a country that is enriched in both natural and human resources. Unfortunately, to start any business in Nigeria today is a difficult task but it is highly rewarding when you succeed. At the beginning, it might be tough; “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it”―Maya Angelou. Again you should know, “Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do” – Dr. Robert Schuller. Your first success step begin with your ability to find the right and best business ideas and ensuring that the business is register, no matter how small the business is.

How can you find the best small business ideas?

The criteria for finding the right and best business ideas include;
• Something you are passionate about and can do well on.
• Something you can raise sufficient capital to get started and keep it running until it becomes a profitable venture.
• Something you can cover all of your expenses and overhead cost – at the same time maximize profit.
• Something that has broad market appealing and allows diversification.

Factors to consider before starting a small business

I have put together below a list of profitable small businesses you can start today in Nigeria. All are viable ways to make money, if you know how to do the business and you remain persistent and diligent in it. You may need to be train before you can start some of them while others can be learn on the field. Again, some of them may require small capital; an estimate of five thousand naira to hundred thousand naira (N5000 –N250, 000) while others may need no money for its start-up.

So, if you are actually interested in starting a profitable business in Nigeria today; here is a list of 100+ Profitable Small Business Ideas you can start today. I have arranged these Businesses into different business categories so that they can easily be understood by an average Nigerian. Tap into any of these business ideas and be ready to adjust and expand the business if the need arises.

100+ Profitable Small Business Ideas you can start today


Technology business is one of the fast growing businesses in Nigeria. It is a fast growing business because of rapid development in the country. Some of the technology businesses here may require you to go through one or two special form of training. The capital required to start them vary but some can be started with a low capital of N15, 000 .  Here are technology fast growing businesses;

1. Mobile phone dealer business
2. Mobile phone accessories business
3. Mobile phone repair and coupling business
4. Mobile money agent business
5. Auto repair garage
6. Audio tape duplication business
7. Disk duplication business
8. Car tracking business
9. Electronics Repair business
10. Mobile phone IMEI tracking business
11. Jewellery Making and beads knitting business


Agricultural business is one of the lucrative small businesses in Nigeria. You do not need to acquire much skill or training to be good in many of agricultural business. However, seasonal changes affect the output of many of business. The total cost for starting these agricultural businesses varies considerably, ranging from a capital of N10, 000 to as much as N250, 000. Here are the Agricultural lucrative small businesses;

12. Garry processing business
13. Palm oil processing business
14. Cocoa Beans processing business
15. Rice milling business
16. Millet milling business
17. Poultry farming business
18. Piggery business
19. Cat fish rearing
20. Snail rearing business
21. Grass cutter rearing business
22. Dog brooding and rearing business
23. Flower nursery and horticultural business
24. Livestock rearing business
25. Chicken feed production
26. Plant nursery


Information communication technology businesses are among the businesses that are thriving very well in Nigeria. While some are relatively new in Nigeria others are as old as time. Information technology business required special form of training and skill before start –up. The cost of starting them also varies, ranging from 100,000 – N250000 or more. Here are the information technology business;

27. Computer Business Centre
28. Computer Repair and Services business
29. Computer Training Centre business
30. Cybercafé business
31. Website Developer and Designer
32. Arts and Graphic Designer business
33. Desktop Publisher
34. Computer Programming
35. Web Database Management
36. Small Printing Press business
37. Video editing busines


Food service business is one of the cheapest business ideas any average Nigerian can start. It does not require any special form of training or skill and can be lucrative when properly manage. The cost for starting this type of business can range from as low as N5, 000 – N100, 00. The food service cheap business, here are;

38. Point and kill Cat Fish Pepper Soup business
39. Fast food joint business
40. Bar and restaurant business
41. Bed and Breakfast Inn
42. Beer parlour business


Service rendering is a profitable business but the businesses under service rendering are highly delicate. For you to succeed in services business, you must possess an excellent skill in managing and tolerating people. Their capital start up varies considerable ranging from N0.00 to as high as N250, 000 or more. Here are event and service rendering business you can start today;

43. Event Management and Decoration Business
44. Catering Services Business
45. Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service Business
46. Interior Decorator Business
47. Hairstylist
48. Event Photographer and Videographer business
49. Dance Company
50. One-man band business
51. Cleaning Service Agent business
52. Cloth designing and Tailoring business
53. Hair and Barbing saloon business
54. Chairs, tables and canopy Rental services
55. Cooking utensils Rental services
56. Music Instrument rental services
57. Car hiring service business
58. Security agent service business
59. Water tanker service business (medium truck)
60. Diana water supply business
61. Building water collector services
62. Nanny Agent service business


Production business is a unique and lucrative business. In production, you make anything you produce a unique product so as to stand out in the market. Quality is the king of production business. Some special form of skill or training may be needed to start this type of business.

63. Perfume and Deodorant Production business
64. Detergent and Liquid soap production
65. Bleach and stain removal production
66. Candle stick production
67. Handmade pottery


The businesses here are special services because life is at stake. They are mostly female service business. They include;
68. Child Day-care centre business.
69. Day-care for adults business.


Transport service business is lucrative when properly managed. Any average person can do transport service. The start up cost may vary depending on the type of transport service you want to start. Here are the transport service businesses you can start today;

70. Travel agency
71. Car Drop Taxi Business
72. Ambulance service business
73. Town car service business
74. Car Wash Centre Business
75. Auto parts sales


Here you have some new emerging businesses like football and game betting centre. It has been extended online as you have much online football betting sites like,,, etc. Some new personal and health fitness centre has also emerged in the recent times. Setting up any of these centres may cost dearly depending on how big you would want it to be. No special form of training is needed to start any of these sporting businesses. Here are some of the health fitness and sporting businesses;

76. Games and Football betting centre business
77. Game and video viewing centre
78. Personal Fitness centre
79. Body and Skincare consultant


Education and tutoring business need professional training and if possible specialization. You can start small (home tutoring and coaching) and then grow big (private school). Home tutoring requires zero kobo for its starting and young school Leavers can start this but you must be sound academically. Here are profitable Tutoring small businesses to start today;

80. Home tutoring and coaching business
81. Private Lesson centre business
82. Adult educational centres
83. Music Lessons Centres
84. Seminar workshop centre


Online business is one of the easiest and highly profitable businesses anybody can start from the comfort of your home. You age or sex does not matter. Some of the online businesses highly need professional training and skill while others may need little or no training. The start up capital varies considerably depending on the type of online business. Example: Starting blogging business can cost you little to nothing while online business like web hosting and reselling business will not cost you nothing less than N250000 (in a big form). Here are the profitable online businesses you can start today;

85. Blogging
86. Game developer
87. Online graphic designing services
88. Search engine optimization
89. Email marketing and newsletter services
90. Internet marketing agency
91. Web hosting reseller business
92. Search engine marketing
93. Internet software developer
94. Web database developer
95. Webhosting business
96. Affiliate marketing business
97. IT service provider
98. Blog setup and designer services
99. Shortcode messaging services provider
100. EBook designer and production

I am sure that what you have read above is great resource. So, get started with any of these above small businesses today. Rise and become the best entrepreneur in the world. Most successful world entrepreneur started from nowhere but they get to somewhere today. You have the choice to make.

They may be other businesses in Nigeria which any serious minded entrepreneur can do. All that are needed for you to succeed are persistent, diligent and hard work.

I want you to make up your mind that you will start one business today and if you don’t know how to get started here are articles that will help you;

How to Start a Decent Small Business in Nigeria

15 Reasons Why Online Business Fail

I wish you all the best of luck as you set to start up any of the above profitable small business in Nigeria.

4 thoughts on “100+ Profitable Small Business Ideas you can start today in Nigeria”

  1. thanks a lot am in anambra state Nigeria i am trying to start something doing with the help of wot u wrote am able to start up a pop corn production in ananmbra state university uli thanks for ur care

  2. Rev.Dr. Ebenezer Alabi

    Mr. Onwuka, I live in the United States of America and I have five different Fora of over 1500 members mostly based in Nigeria. I teach Spiritual things and also ‘How to Prosper in a Contemporary Nigeria’, hence the Internet search that your ‘100 businesses that can be done successfully in Nigeria’ most authentic among others. However, before I put this on my 5 FORA, for members these will need business plans and since they will be told to contact you directly I want to find out how much you charge for each business plan and if they will be granted any discount. I may eventually decide to buy the 100 business plans from you ,but I want their personal investment into their future. No, they will not join your email club or any membership. I am their father figure at 70 and will make sure they are protected to the tilt. Yes, I am a Theologian,but still live in the world of business which I had plied for 40 solid years with representative offices in 50 countries of the world. Thank you and God bless!

    1. Hello Rev,
      Developing and Writing Business Plans for each of those Businesses will cost;
      1. Offline businesses – $7 or its equivalent Naira
      2. Online businesses – $14 or its equivalent Naira

      The reason for setting up this site is to help people especially Nigeria in doing something meaningful (businesses and jobs) so that they can live the quality life they want. So, we are part in the game of eradicating poverty among our people.

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