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Real Truth about Making Money Blogging

Blogging is fun, I must confess. However, when it comes to making money blogging; it is a different ball-game. Let the truth be told. So, before you start your blog or go into blogging; here are real truths about making money blogging I think you should know.

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Real Truth about Making Money Blogging

  1. It’s Not That’s Easy

Blogging to make money is not as easy as it is painted out there. Most of the internet marketers out there will promise you these:

  • work for yourself and be your own boss,
  • earn money while you’re sleeping,
  • work whenever you like,
  • earn real big money and get what you want, bla bla blah

The real truth is this; to make money blogging requires sleepless night. Sometimes, you have to work 24 hours without rest. There are times you’ll forget to eat or take your bath. Occasionally, you will look shabby and tattered. I have seen bloggers who never make a dime from their blog for 1…2…3….4….5years of blogging. So, to make money blogging; you’ll need to work it out.

  1. It’s Possible Blogging Without Making Money

This may sound contradictory but it’s just the reality. You can get disappointed when your intention is to make money and the money is not forthcoming. You don’t blog to make money.  You blog to;

  • Offer value,
  • Solve peoples’ daily problem,
  • Guide others to achieve success

As you offer values and proffer solutions to your readers’ problems; the money ultimately flows in. Quality and values are what sustain customer’s interest in any business. Take blogging as your personal business and aim at giving out quality products.

  1. It’s Not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Yes, blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. It requires patience and determination. If your reason for blogging is to get rich quick; be reassured that you’ll fail. This is where most bloggers get me wrong. Once you put money first, you will ultimately get disappointed. Let me say it again, I have seen bloggers who never make a dime from their blog for over 4years of blogging. Blogging is NOT MMM or another hyper. It is the game of the fast and steady.

Read Also: How to Make money online through Blogging

  1. It’s Best When Passion is your driving force

Think of what you like doing. Think of what you like discussing or what you can discuss at any time; start blogging about that. It is always the best following your passion. Passion is what keeps you going when the going becomes so difficult. If you’re not passionate about your blog niche, now is the right time to change. Quit now and start afresh. There is no pretending when you know you’re not getting right. I received a countless number of emails from bloggers who complain about their blog not making money.

My responses to those emails are usually; “Quit your niche now and start afresh following your passion” You can’t make money blogging if you’re not passionate about blogging. Passion should be your driving force.

  1. Confusion Can Set In At A Point

There are times you will get confuse. Yes! It does happen to every bloggers. So, know that you’re not alone. You might even not know whom to run to for help in such situation. Remain calm at such point. Give yourself a break, retreat and get started again. You might not be helping yourself if you don’t give yourself a break at such point. If you give yourself a break, it helps you to re-strategize.

  1. Poor Design Kills A Blog

Not only do poor blog design adversely affect you blog revenue; it also kills a blog. A well design blog should be easy to navigate and the navigating links should not be hidden or difficult to find. Always hire competent web designer to help design your blog when you know you can’t. Don’t try to do everything yourself especially when your newbie.

You can hire us now to help you design your blog in a professional way and for better search engine ranking.

Read Also: How to build a blog authority niche in Nigeria & makes $1000 in 2months

  1. Testing Everything Can Kill A Blog

It’s not nice trying to test everything that you’ve heard works on your blog. If you’re a newbie, reach out to other bloggers and ask questions. Curiosity kills the monkey. Yes, it works but has been tested.

To conclude; these are the hard truth about making money blogging. However, I plead that you don’t get frightened by them; the truth must be told. It’s just to help you get prepared. Blogging is fun.

If you need a profession blog today, don’t hesitate contact us at I promise you, we’ll design the best of blog for you.

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