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How to get corporate sponsorship in Nigeria for anything

Getting your ideas, events, business venture and corporate projects sponsored in Nigeria by a major company can positively expose you and open you up to lots of bigger opportunities.

Corporate sponsorship is a mutual business proposition that offers something in exchange for a financial commitment from an organization.

In other words, to get sponsorship in Nigeria you need to give something in exchange to the brand that sponsors your project.

getting sponsorship in nigeria for events, education, movies
Sponsorship Opportunities

This article is designed to show you how to get corporate sponsorships from MTN, Coca-cola, UAC, Glo, Airtel, 9mobile, Banks, Chuvita or for an events, education, small business, festivals,  nonprofit, youth sports, book launching, radio program, movie, drama presentation, to study abroad etc.

Read also: Challenges for getting sponsorship in Nigeria

Sponsors don’t necessarily have to share your passion for a cause in order to support you. They just need to be able to see the implied commercial benefit. Some people think that their business is too small and that sponsorship is for “big” companies. How Do You Even Get Started with Pursuing Sponsorship?

Here are a number of simple steps to follow when working on getting sponsorships. If you judiciously follow these steps, you will definitely get your projected or cause sponsored.

Read: 10 Ways to Raise Funds to Start Business in Nigeria instead of looking for sponsorship

How to get corporate sponsorship in Nigeria

1.     Know how sponsorships work

Before you start your sponsorship hunt, don’t go uncooked. Make sure you know a thing or two about how sponsorships work generally. The more you know, the smoother your journey. You could read a book or two (mostly eBooks).

You can also talk to people you know who had already gotten sponsorship for their project. And be open to suggestions as they come.

2.     Understand your brand and source for companies that sponsor such brand

Do your best to gain sponsorship from companies, organizations or brands that seem a natural fit for your project or business. This will give you an edge.

  • If you’re planning to host a fashion show; consider working with major fashion brands in the country like say; House of Tara, and entertainment companies like; Pulse Nigeria
  • If your event has an athletic tone to it, you could work with major multinationals like; Nestle, Adidas, Nike, Coca Cola, MTN, Glo, Airtel etc.
  • If you’re planning to host a music event, then local radio stations and media houses are great
  • For an event that has to do with education; you should look to oil companies and other corporate organizations like banks. And even your state government
  • If the event is about food; consider major stakeholders in the industry, such as; Nestle, Dangote, Dufil Prima, etc.

3.     Make a list of your prospective sponsors

Next, make a list of potential sponsors; these are the people/organizations that are most likely to sponsor your cause. Making a list is important, because you don’t want to go asking just every company to sponsor you.

This should include companies that have sponsored ideas which are similar to yours. It is way better to get one or two major sponsorships in place, instead of lots of smaller ones.

4.     Research the companies or prospective sponsors

Once you create a list of your potential sponsors, you want to run through on their backgrounds to actually determine their peculiar needs. Having the background information about your prospects will certainly go a long way in helping you land into the sponsorship you’re seeking for. By this I mean; for instance, if your customers are single dads: find reasons how this demographic could benefit your prospects to sponsor you.

5.     Plan ahead

Some sponsorship take too long to be access, so you need to plan ahead so that you wouldn’t be take unaware by your sponsors. Make sure you get things right once and for all. Start planning on time. Most especially if there’s a big brand in your list; you should know that these guys are busy and probably have a hundred other sponsorship proposals lying around at their desks. Bottom line is, be proactive.

6.     Prepare a winning proposal

You can of think ‘strategies’ to adopt when writing your sponsorship proposal because your prospects have loads of sponsorship offers they’re working on — and others they wouldn’t touch. Typically, your sponsorship proposal should come in four parts.

  • An executive summary
  • Description of sponsorship
  • A call to action; and
  • Your offer.

The executive summary: This is a 250-300 word section that should describe what the sponsorship us to be used for, your reason for seeking sponsorship and also what they stand to gain from the sponsorship. It needs to explain what your business/project is about and what it stands for; how it impacts people.

Be sure that your potential sponsors understand why the sponsorship is important to you. Write an individualized note which will demonstrate to your prospects that you actually took out time to study them. When you do this, it gives them the confidence that you will hold up your agreements with them throughout your sponsorship partnership with them.

Note: Include a ‘thank you’ note. Adopting a friendly and professional tone in writing, to show them your level of seriousness and professionalism

Description of sponsorship:  Clearly state what you hope to acquire from the sponsors. Breakdown your sponsorship needs into different levels which potential sponsors may commit to, explaining what the peculiarities of each level and what you need, and why you want sponsorship for each of these levels.

Fully explain to your prospects what they stand to gain by sponsoring you. The idea here is to get them to buying into your idea for a sponsorship partnership. You can easily do this using your knowledge of their business model, their company culture, audience and goals.

This sponsorship isn’t really about your business/project; the companies you want sponsorship from will like to know what’s in it for them.

So ensure that you include a detailed analysis of your audience and demographics, also discussing your reach, and how the sponsorship will help your prospects reach their target audience; this makes sense only when you share a common audience of course.

A call to action:  Make sure that you include a call to action in your sponsorship proposal. This could be presented such that they’re required to fill out a form (indicating they agree) to send to you to indicate that they’re ready to set up a sponsorship partnership with you.

It is important that you prepare the proposal in such a way that the sponsor has a specific task to fulfill in order to move the process forward; and the perfect way to do this would be to include a call to action.

The easier it is for them to complete the task you’re writing, the more likely it is that they’ll say yes.

Your offer:  When writing out your sponsorship proposal, please do not tell tales; get straight to the point; if you want business? Ask for it. That’s it!.

You’re writing to entrepreneurs, finance professionals, marketers, and business people; not academics. So, you have to cut to the chase. Make your points, spell out the business advantages for your prospects, and end it quickly.

7.     Send out your proposals

Now that you’ve prepared your sponsorship proposals, you need to start forwarding them to your prospects. Even when it makes sense to send them to every prospect on your list; still you need to be judicious when sending out your sponsorship proposals.

Crosscheck your list, to narrow down your list of prospects.

Start forwarding to the companies you honestly believes will work with your venture (based on your research)

  • Ensure that you personalize every single email, proposal and correspondence you send out.
  • Ask for your worth. So Many people make the mistake of not asking for enough money in sponsorships. Bear in mind that while you may be the recipient of the sponsorship; you are actually offering those sponsors value and direct access to the customers they seek to reach. Leverage your connection to a demographic your sponsors want to access, and charge accordingly. Don’t ask for N100,000 from a company that has the capacity to give N1,000,000.

8.     Follow up

So you’ve prepared and sent out the sponsorship proposals to your prospective sponsors. Even at this stage, you still have power to decide your fate, if after some days you still don’t get any feedback.

Get on the phone and ask them if they have received your request.

Find out if they have any questions. Make sure that they know where and how to meet you as soon as they reach any decisions.

So many people lose sponsorship deals because they fail to follow up.

So if after a few days of forwarding your sponsorship proposals you don’t hear anything from your prospects, pick up your phone and reach out.

9.     Building a great relationship

Sponsorships come in many different forms, including;

  • Sponsored posts on your blog
  • Sponsored ads on your website
  • Product reviews
  • Giveaways of their products to your audience
  • Events
  • Advertising

You could also let your sponsors come up with packages which offer these activities.

You want to work on building a budding relationship with your sponsors.

It is erroneous to think that once you receive the cheque, your job is done. Quote on the contrary; this is the perfect avenue to foster a long-term relationship with your sponsors. You need to be in regular contact, and be quick to give thanks as due. Make sure that you uphold your own end of the sponsorship; keep your sponsors happy.

Happy sponsors, happy you — that’s my line

As you work on building this relationship, it’s in your best interest to work with them and come up with interesting ways to engage them optimally.

10. Customize your relationships

If you have a sponsor that contributes N2,000,000 to your venture, how differently will you treat that sponsor to the one that contributes N500,000?

It’s really important that you understand how to sway the dynamics of your relationship with different sponsors. The difference should be conspicuous, from the special perks you offer, to the publicity, to the way you talk with them on phone, to the way you talk about them on social media. The difference should be clear and very obvious.

Companies that sponsor events/education in Nigeria

Companies that sponsor events/projects/education in Nigeria include:

  • British Council
  • Nigerian Breweries
  • UAC
  • Chevron
  • Texaco
  • Mobil
  • British Tobacco Nigeria Ltd
  • Guinness
  • Nestle Nigeria
  • Indomie
  • Dangote
  • Dufil Prima
  • EU, UNODC – sponsors movie on drug abuse in Nigeria
  • Coca cola
  • MTN Nigeria
  • Airtel Nigeria
  • Globacom
  • 9mobile
  • And others


In conclusion, Sponsorships isn’t just about your needs, it’s also about the sponsors. As hungry as you may be for this partnership; make sure you work to maintain harmony and balance. It won’t work if the relationship is lopsided. Corporations, companies and organizations must market; sell, build brand loyalty and cultivate long term repeat customers. The bottom line is if you can offer an opportunity for a corporation to positively influence their ideal customer or advance their marketing objectives, there is an opportunity for you to get sponsored.

65 thoughts on “How to get corporate sponsorship in Nigeria for anything”

  1. Thank you so much, I am grateful for you knowledgeable share, God bless Sir.

    I have a gospel music live recording concert for a proposed date of July 23rd 2023, it is non- for- profit and so I am finding it not the “easiest”getting sponsorship except from private individuals and this is for a 4-5 million naira budgeted even, well that’s major for me at the moment, do you have any words for me Sir? It would most definitely help my venture. Thank you again and I hope you see this and respond in time or call me 08133571858. Thank you.

  2. Osayekemwen Raphael Iserhienrhien

    This is helpful thanks for this opportunity playform.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I need a sponsorship in my business ROIS EMPIRE LIMITED am into technology & Engineering into installation, sale and maintenance of solar inverter energy, cctv cameras, GPS car tracker, architecture and building.

    My business is money oriented. I need a sponsorship that can enable to start my business. My business standard accommodate workers employemnt.

    Sponsoring my business you will has some percentage you will derive from my business as a shareholder to my business. You as a sponsor you have you dividend when stand.

    I will be grateful if my request is been considered.

    Thanks and God bless.

  3. This is enlightening…thank you for your effort. I plan to organize a 2-day career talk for my students in an underserved public secondary school. This is done in an effort to enlighten them on a brighter future ahead of them in a bid to distract them from negative influences such as cultism, money laundering(yahoo) and other negativeties. Which companies can I write to for sponsorship as well as TV stations? Anticipating your response. Thank you!

  4. I want to organize a Gospel Acapella Contemporary music talent show/conference and I need a sponsor. Please which of the companies can sponsor this project.

  5. please i,m looking for a sponsorship whom i could promote their product every time i produce a film ,, i live in Europe but produce language Nigeria film..

  6. HI, I am a thirteen year old and i want to launch my very own fashion line. After reading this article, i still don’t understand a few things because this article was obviously written for adults. Can you break it down into less complicated sections, please? I want to inspire teens like me that you can do anything no matter your age. Thank you

  7. Thanks very much for this article.
    Please, I need sponsorhip for my business. Production of food products and organics skin care products. How can I reach companies for help?

  8. Need kind support the current initiative of KIDS CODE club Africa project to freely impact kids of the ages 9,10,11,12,13,14,& 15. with ICT skills in robotics,web development, animation,coding,digital economy experts and universal online and community leadership.
    25 KIDS WERE IMPACTED LAST YEAR. 250 SHALL BE IMPACTED in November 2020 again. don’t make us stop .Just motivate our team of experts.

  9. Aderohunmu Clara Tope

    This is awesome!
    Pls I need sponsor, I want to setup a training center for making shoes and bags, and need some standard equipments, and I want to set it up so that the less previledged can benefit and be self employed, to reduce poverty within the country.

      1. Good morning. I am indeed blessed by your article. I want to start a talk show which will feature youths and teenagers majorly. The program will cut across various topics. Which companies can I approach for this?

        1. i am interested to impact young persons with relevant information for a successful lives as African in Africa and out of Africa.
          got more than twenty years talking to the girl child on sexuality and capacity to lead in a world run by the male folk.

  10. Hello Emma,
    You’ve outdone yourself this this time.
    Here’s a warming ovation for this masterpiece, a real eye opener brother.
    This is awesome.

    Here’s a concern from me:
    How can one secure sponsorship for a finance blog, which companies are ideal to pitch too?

    Do give your kind response please.

    Warmest regards.

    1. Once, your articles are ranking high and you are having good number of visitors to your blog you can easily get direct adverts, sponsor posts and product review.

  11. Hi quite an insightful piece you have here. We(a group) are having a University Advocacy Tour on educating and enlightening young people on their roles and contribution in nation-building and good governance. We will also be sharing our books with the students. But we need brands who can sponsor by paying for these books to be shared and also branding the tour. Which brands will you suggest please. Thanks

  12. I find this article very informative and educating. I’m an event creator and am currently working on a program which involves a cultural food festival and and a blast from the past content. Now my challenge is sponsorship, in your experience which companies would you suggest I approach.

  13. Thanks for this helpful article but I need sponsorship for am educational competition whom should I approach for sponsorship in Nigeria

    1. Plz I need sponsor for a theater production on February 28 2020 during 2020 Lagos Theatre Festival.

      How do I go about that considering time constraints and which companies do I approach

  14. I need sponsors
    Organising a 2day program tagged Rivers State Youth in Business Conference
    Day 1 is an outdoor business exhibition
    Day 2 is the conference proper

  15. I just got a scholarship to study in the US starting in the spring 2020 semester, and I’m earnestly hoping I’d find sponsorship for my remaining college expenses(SEVIS fee, visa fees, reciprocity fee, Flight ticket and my I-20 shipping fee)

    Thank You.

  16. I had in the past asked if Nigerian companies or individual business people can sponsor a small business in Swaziland particularly in timber logs ferrying. If so who can I contact in this regard

  17. I am organizing a campaign on Land &Air pollution in Lagos with the name Be part of the solution not part of the pollution
    Who are the possible sponsor for such programms

  18. Thanks so much for the article but please how can I find sponsorship for my association in the university from Degree student Association Uniben.

      1. Thank you for this great piece.

        Also, I have an a lives-impacting online conference coming up for young people in business and tech.

        Please, which companies in Nigeria should I focus on for sponsorship?

        Thank you

    1. Hi Busayo,
      good day I am Maclean in Swaziland now eSwatini in Southern Africa,Would you please give me contacts who can help finance my trucking business in Nigeria we can also work in partnership with interested individuals.Our truck is completely broken down we need to keep the business going again

  19. My team got invitation to exhibit at this year ‘Startup Istanbul 2019’ in October 18-21 as one of the startup that reach ‘top 5%’ of all applications.

    Having scale through the application process and interview we have been added to ‘Close Monitoring Program’ and invited to come and exhibit.

    Please we are in need of sponsors.

      1. Sutton sewanu oluwakunmi

        17b,fakeye street,
        Dear sir/madam
        Good afternoon,my name is sutton sewanu oluwakunmi,I’m a seventeen year old boy,who needs sponsorship for his ideas,but I’m aware that not all these ideas can be made possible by you,but I ask that you’ll be willing to lend a hand in building a young aspiring and almost a retired teenager’s career .
        To begin with,I’m a comic geek but more of an illustrator,but Nigeria does not really have comic stores that help sponsor my comic books characters,like marvel or DC(detective comics). Me watching most of our films ,the CGI is just outrageous,but at least we are making a difference.
        Also,I also have a large appetite to become a pro-footballer and play for english clubs,but it’s going to take a long while to achieve that and my parents can’t really fund these projects.
        Furthermore, I’m sure you are asking why this seventeen year old boy decided to send this letter to your mail. This is because I’m far aware that you are one of the best companies Nigeria has to offer , something a boy like me will only dream of getting.
        Although,I feel my dreams are too far fetched and may not pay off,but it’s worth a try,why? You may ask ,what really is your dream and I will answer you formally. I want to become a humanity progressor just like Elon musk,chef,athlete,actor, musician, director and many more.
        Moreover,the only reason why I write to you is because I’ve also been working on applications ,and I actually have an app on my mind called elmo and I feel it could be a technological joggernut for Nigeria in a whole. But I don’t have that kind of money and I can’t even get a loan, because who knows if it does not really get the audience needed .
        In a nutshell,I really need your assistance in sponsorships ,even scholarships because to really clear the air,I have been sending dm’s to RMD(Richard Mofe Damijo), Funke Akindele and the rest for auditions and even right now ,all they know is school not talent and education in “9ja”(nigeria) is lacking,in the sporting aspect ,no scouts for us, football to my dad is like just a waste
        of time and effort in Nigeria to the NPFL( Nigerian professional football league) owing their players salaries.
        And when I finally found out that robotics would not pay me here ,I switched to my reserved to my reserved talent customizing and animation,but they only do mass communication,so what do I have left.I want to really go into music ,because they have music into nudity putting all kinds of shit in their videos.
        However,I was born into complaints, people fighting like touts beside me but deep down,I actually know and feel that Nigeria will change and I will be a part of the changing process.
        To conclude,sewanu really needs help in any way he can get it. But at least ,I plead from my heart ,if you actually read this and feel my pain,please kindly do me a favour by telling or helping me in any way you , especially for my app,ELMO.
        I just want to say thank you for even reading ☺️,just home hoping for the best reply of my life.
        Yours sincerely,
        Sutton sewanu.

  20. Thanks for the article. How can I get sponsorship for a small online biz as well as cause from Kia Motors?

        1. What will actually determine who is/are going to sponsor your programme will be dependent on many factors;
          1. Is it a state or Private secondary Schools?
          2. Is it a local or state secondary schools?
          3. what is the population (target audience) involved like?
          4. Who and who are involve in the programme?

          Brands like Cowbell, Tom-tom, Coca-cola, Indomie etc in the time has sponsored many secondary schools programmes.

  21. Who do you address your letter to when writing telecommunications drink and soft drinks and beer company and others like cadbury wapco nestle and so on


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