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Small Business Ideas for College students & Undergraduate Students

What are small business ideas for students? Are you a college student, high school or undergraduate thinking of starting a small business but have no idea? Do you need profitable small business ideas that you can start with little or no money as a student?

If your answer is YES then I advice you continue reading…….

As a student, there are many things to spend money on. You will buy and pay for typing and photocopying of lecture notes, hand outs, excursions, field trips, and research projects, practical, school fees and even accommodation. Meanwhile, most parents are not buoyant enough to cater for all these things.

Again, everywhere around the world today, there is massive unemployment of the graduates. There are fewer government safety nets. This is fact and the reality of the economic situations right now everywhere. It is now imperative that being self employed while still in college or university is the only solution to unemployment after school graduation.

Now is the right time for you as a college student, high school or undergraduate to start a small business. In fact, I almost consider it a must that student should launch a small business. As a student, you need to be prepared to find ways to supplement what your parent gives you as your school monthly allowances. I strongly believe that doing small business while still in college will not prevent you from achieving academic success. You can still achieve greater academic excellence and career accomplishments and live comfortably in life; all that you just need is to take the right step and make the right moves.

Starting a small business while still in college or partnering with other students to launch one prepares you for success. I have below 20 small business ideas you can start with little or no money as a college student, high school or undergraduate student. Choose from these small business ideas to start a business in your school or brainstorm for one. Some of these small business ideas may work better than others, or may not even work at all for you, depending on the nature of your school. So while choosing, choose with wisdom and adjust yourself quickly if the business is not growing as fast as it should be.

Before I proceed, I want you to take note of these five important tips for lunching a successful small business as a student.

Top 22+ Online Business Ideas for College student, High school and Undergraduate Students

Top 10 factors to consider when starting a small business

20+ Small Business Ideas for students

1. Offer Photographic and videoing services

One of the small businesses a student can start while in still college is photographic and videoing services. As a student, you can be hired to cover events in which you take pictures or video of the event both within and outside campuses. You can be covering events such as school shows, parties and birth parties, wedding ceremonies, other events and feast while still in college. This business is highly lucrative and it requires little capital start-up.

2. Become a beads knitter

You can become a knitter. Starting beads knitting business is very easy and simple. You don’t need to be expert knitters to even try beads knitting. Beads knitting will require no money for starting and making beads is something you can do at your convenient time. So, this type of small business is more appropriate for student especially female students though male students can also be a knitter. Beads making is something you can put into anything. I have seen people who started in a small scale in beads making but later grow into having a full blown beads knit store.

3. Consider Pet sitting business

If you are the type of student that likes pets, you can turn your passion for pets into a rewarding business. You can grow in this pet sitting business if you love animals and the desire the opportunity to be one’s own boss and leave the corporate world. So, it is a type small business that you can grow in, make money and continued even after you graduate from school.

4. Start Transportation service

If your parent bought a car for you or your parent has one and you are smart enough; you can be going to rural or suburban school area where students that need transportation are and be doing transport service there once in a while. This will not in any way affect your academic performance because this is business that you will be doing at your leisure time.

5. Start liquid soap and bleach production

As a student, you can start liquid soap and bleach production in small scale; if you are grounded in chemistry. All you need is to apply your knowledge of chemistry. This does not require much expertise but your basic knowledge of chemistry. At the onset, the liquid soap and bleach you produced should be sold to students and restaurants until you become an expert, register your business to appropriate commission and acquire all necessary production permits to sell to the general public.

6. Start a mini computer business centre

A mini business centre is another business any student can start. You can start the business with a desktop or laptop, 1 in 3 HP printers for printing, photocopying and scanning, a chair and table. The start up cost for this business will be $200 or less. You can grow from there into large scale business centre or a computer business centre with cybercafé. This is a type of business every student will enjoy doing because it does not require a special skill or knowledge for one to start it.

7. Cake baking and snacks production is a good idea

When I was an undergraduate student, I witness my fellow female colleagues doing this type of business. They bake cakes and sell to those cerebrating their birth day, wedding ceremonies, those doing parties, marriage anniversaries and many other occasions. Sometimes, they are hired to prepare snacks for a particular event or the other. Today, most of these female colleagues of mine are professional caterer. So, you too as a female student still in the college can start your own cake baking and snacks production business. You don’t need to go to school to learn how to bake cake or produce snack. Meet any person whom you know that can bake cake to give you floor measurements, sugar and egg quantity to be use and other minor ingredients need for baking cakes and in making snacks.

8. Party promotion

If you are type of student that likes partying, you can turn your hobby into a lucrative business. Promote shows and get the right deejays and party people to your events. You can also be hired to organise shows for people.

9. Become Master of ceremony (MC)

If you are a student and you are outspoken and can make people laugh, this type of business is for you. All you need to learn to be successful in this type of business is how to overcome stage fright and it involves;
• Knowing your event.
• Establishing necessary contacts before the day of the event.
• Putting a smiling face constantly on the stage.
• Not forgetting that your main job is to talk to the audience.
• Studying your moves.
• Not stopping when you mess up.
• Always trying to be funny.
• Not rushing words.
• Staring at or thinking of something to make you less nervous.

10. Start Tutoring

If you know a required subject very well and are academically sound, you can tutor your junior students or start scholarship tutorials for those seeking either government scholarship or non-governmental scholarship. You can prepare your tutorial in audio record form or e-book and ask them to subscribe for it. This is one type of business I enjoyed most while still in school. One good thing about this type business is that it requires no money for its start-up and you can just start with one person and then you expand.

11. Become a delivery Agent

There are some well established businesses within or around you school or campus, link up with them, and boost their business by introducing their products to other students in your college. You receive monthly commission for this. Sometime, if any student paid for a product online or without taking the goods or product back to school, you will be call to help deliver the product to the student. Each service you render goes with some stipulated commission.

12. Start research project and data analysis service

If you have knowledge of research work or you’ve done one before and have the ability to analyses statistical data, you can start this type of business. This business requires expertise but it is highly lucrative. Don’t go into this business if you are not grounded in research work and statistical analysis.

13. Start Career counseling

In most colleges and high schools, we have guardians and counselors but they do not do their job. So, take the advantage to fill this gap in your school. If you are a good communicator start this business as a campus career centre. Meet some of the employers and job recruiters who are there. Find out what they are looking for from an applicant and then become a career coach and counselor to other students through their parents.

14. Start Onboard service for international students

Many students from other countries attend American colleges, high schools and universities. For those who have not lived in America for awhile or for those who have lived in neighbourhoods before attending college or university, the college experience may be overwhelming. If you enjoy meeting new people and have hospitality qualities perhaps you can work with the office of your school student affairs to create a welcoming service and hospitality program for international students.

15. offer graphic designing service

If you are the type of student that enjoys graphic arts, you can start designing and selling of logos, animators, banner for both online and offline. You can also be hired by companies who are into graphic designing business or professors who is doing his research and reports work.

16. Consider Résumé writing service

If you have a good writing and presentation skills as a student, you can start writing resume for applicants seeking employment opportunities. You can make money if you are good at packaging resume that would meet employer’s need.

17. Start arts troupe

Are you good at acting drama or play? Can you sing or dance very as a student? Turn your talent into a lucrative business by putting up your performances at your school or in the local community and charge for tickets. Start organising school drama or play contest and international contest or competitions.

18. Start student campus awards program
Everyone wants to be applauded for an excellence performance. Liaise with your school student affairs or the Student union Government to start an on-campus student awards program where students rated and awarded for Excellency in certain area of relevant career success. You will Charge an entry fee and also seek for sponsorship. One good thing about this type business is that the business can even continued even after you must have graduated from school.

19. Start Hair styling, grooming and barbing services

As a student, you can start providing mobile hair cuts or hair styling services to other student. Buy a barbing clipper and visit those that are already into the hair cut and styling business. Stay with them for one or two days to learn how to cut hair and provide different styling then start providing this service to your fellow students.

20. Offer mobile phone repair service/ mobile phone accessory business

This is another lucrative business any student can start. All you need to do is to learn how to repair and troubleshoot phones from anybody that you know is competent in this job. You may not necessary have to learn from somebody, the internet is there and it will teach you more than you need to start up this business. When you develop expertise in this business people will continue to look for you whenever their phone got spoilt. In addition to mobile phone repair service, you can also include a mobile phone accessory business

21. Start student Lifestyle Fitness coaching centre

If you are such a student that likes sports and athletic activities, turn your passion into business by starting a lifestyle fitness centre where students and staff are encourage to use training and sports to build behavioural skills for use at work, at home or in their social lives. If you can’t start this business only, you can partner with other students.

22. Consider Mobile boutique

Many students like fashion and style and if you are the fashion type; consider starting a mobile boutique. Sell to your classmate and make your money. One bad thing about this business is that your classmate will always owe you. Allowing students who purchase a material from you to pay on installment is the way forward.

Other small business ideas for students include;

Book keeping service
Providing Holiday traveller’s service
Student Games centre
Developing mobile applications

All the above listed small business ideas are potential sources of generating income for yourself. You can start any of these small ideas and become successful on them or brainstorm for one. So, this is the right time to start. No need to wait again. Starting doing something valuable now or never!

8 thoughts on “Small Business Ideas for College students & Undergraduate Students”

  1. Nice, Really nice! i Love this article. Very comprehensive as well as informative. Thanks for the sharing. It inspired me to make my own. here i published something about Business ideas for students. Anyway Keep up the best work!

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